Home on the Range

We’re located in central Iowa, working to raise food in a regenerative, organic way, for our family and our local community.  We believe in transparency in growing food, knowing who grows it and how it’s grown.  Please feel free to talk to us about our practices.

Farm Hands

Jason (pictured showcasing his chicken coop project) is our farm dude and fix-it guy. He started raising sheep decades ago and was perhaps most known for his keen eye for breeding stock and show sheep. He’s turned his animal handling know-how into an organic, holistic approach. Jason has a love for designing farm machinery and worked more than 30 in that industry. He’s melded that with concern for soil health and its link to livestock. He earned his engineering degree just down the road, at Iowa State University.

Linda (pictured with her beloved cat Jenkins) is our health and nutrition enthusiast. She’s worn a number of hats in the non-profit sector (including establishing a clinic for autism education). But she currently works to keep our farm eating and staying well, naturally. She loves to plant trees, wildflowers and garden plants, but her priority is making sure farmyard moms are well-supported to raise their babies. An Iowa/Texas hybrid, she is a graduate of University of Texas, Austin.

Madison (pictured with her like-minded cat Not-so Fluffy) is our poet in-residence and humane-handling expert. Being nonverbal, her unique perspective into animal thinking and well-being, helps guide care for all of our non-human-speaking inhabitants. Her culinary interests also help drive goals to create and prepare nutritious organic foods, a pursuit she may turn into a local, prepared-food business.

Olivia (pictured with our granddog, Sarge) is our most prolific animal collector of all things furry. Growing up she showed lambs  in 4H and FFA. Attending Iowa State University, and earning an environmental science degree, she learned, among other things, how to process chickens for us! She also is a bonafide foodie and loves to learn to cook new things. Her day job is in insurance, but a lot of her free time is spent helping on the farm.

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